Thursday, October 17, 2013

Produce Co-op - Fresh Fruit & Veggies

A little more than a year ago I joined a produce co-op.  Every two weeks I spend $21.50 to pick up a very large and very heavy bag of fresh produce.  This is hands down the best bargain for my grocery dollar.   This is enough produce to feed a family of four for two weeks.  The co-op offers a variety of extra fruits and veggies that can be purchased in addition to cage-free brown eggs.  There are a large number of pick up locations throughout the St. Louis area on both sides of the river.  Take a few minutes to check out their website and take advantage of the opportunity to save money on good food for your family.

This is a picture of part of this week's bag.  The bag held a pineapple, bananas, apples, limes, portabella mushrooms, 2 lbs of carrots, 3 lbs of sweet potatoes, red onions, grapes, spaghetti squash, spinach and 2 lbs of strawberries.  I promise you, you won't begin to buy this quality of produce for anywhere near the price you pay for this  bag.

Just recently they began selling cage-free brown eggs for $2.50/dozen.  I was skeptical that I'd notice a difference in the eggs, but I did.  And what sealed the deal for me was my son Luke telling me my scrambled eggs were better than ever.  He knew nothing about the change in eggs.  As far as he knew they were still the same eggs I always brought home from the store.  There really is a difference.

Check out their website and start saving money yourself.  Copy and paste this website into your browser.

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